Mailing List ? Message #42616
From: Carey Dissmore <>
Subject: Adobe prizes at the MediaMotion Ball
Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 18:51:11 -0500
To: IMUG Maillist <>, After Effects Mail List <>, Compression List <>
The MediaMotion Ball prize pool just got sweeter!

We are very happy to have Adobe as one of our wonderful group of sponsors for the MediaMotion Ball!

Adobe is also providing some serious prizes to the prize pool!

Two lucky winners will win a full blown suite of Adobe Production Premium! (latest version)  
Each of these prizes is worth $1699.

Imagine being able to have a full suite of the latest and greatest production software, just for coming to a great dinner where you can mingle with the best and brightest in the digital post and mograph community. Not to mention the great many additional prizes. I don't know about you, but I can't think of a single place I'd rather be from 5:30-9:30 on Monday 4/16 ! 

Many thanks to Adobe for their generous support of the MMB.

Going to NAB? Well then you definitely have to come to the MMB!
If you haven't yet planned your trip to Vegas, do it now! Very good pricing is still out there.
Just one example, the NAB housing site offers deals way lower than each hotel's main site:

The MMB event is being held Monday April 16th at the Monte Carlo from 5:30pm. 

More prizes to still be announced! Get your tickets while they are still available.

Register today at!

All the best,
Carey Dissmore
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