Mailing List — Message #43521
From: Gary Berendsen <>
Sender: Gary Berendsen <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Vision Effects and CS6 (formerly Moving plug-ins to AE CS6)
Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 18:40:11 +0200
To: After Effects Mail List <>
mmmm, droste. yummy

Have a whole bunch of the nun tins here, my gran liked them

Gary Berendsen - VFX Generalist
  @DuintjerCS Kamer 1.009
  Vijzelstraat 72
  1017 HL Amsterdam
  mob:+31 6 1438 5398

On May 9, 2012, at 6:36 PM, Evan Fotis wrote:

no Escher’s Droste Effect in CS6?

On 09-May-12 19:25, Lloyd Alvarez wrote:
Hey Todd,

Is it worth mentioning the drop of Pixel Bender support in CS6 on your blog post?


On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Todd Kopriva <> wrote:
I've updated my blog post about plug-ins for After Effects CS6 to mention the RE:Vision update:

From: After Effects Mail List [] On Behalf Of Jim Curtis []
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2012 1:43 PM
To: After Effects Mail List
Subject: Re: [AE] Vision Effects and CS6 �(formerly �Moving plug-ins to AE CS6)

Thanks, Pete! �I was barking up the wrong tree.

On May 7, 2012, at 3:17 PM, Peter Litwinowicz wrote:

Go to the downloads page for each product. �It's not a particular "updater" but the new regular installer for the products. �For example, with Twixtor:

If you click on the product menu, then on the Downloads tab you'll get the installers listed for that product. �Then you'll click on the blue "After Effects" or "After Effects and Premiere Pro" blue bar.

Also, no need to uninstall first!

From: Jim Curtis <<>>
Reply-To: After Effects Mail List <<>>
Date: Monday, May 7, 2012 1:09 PM
To: After Effects Mail List <<>>
Subject: Re: [AE] Vision Effects and CS6 (formerly Moving plug-ins to AE CS6)

I can't see any links on your site to CS6 updaters. �I see a Contact Support page. �Is that how we get our hands on them?

On May 7, 2012, at 3:00 PM, Peter Litwinowicz wrote:

Hey all:

A quick note: If you are using RE:Vision Effects plug-ins, you should know that the new caching schemes of CS6 (both to disk and in-memory) necessitate updating to our new versions, just released last Thursday, May 3, 2012. � What this means: your plugins from us will probably not work properly in CS6 (unless you ordered last Friday). �With the previous versions of our plugins there's a very good chance you will have frames not properly calculated when using Twixtor, RE:Flex, RSMB, DE:Noise and any of our plugins dealing with frames at multiple points in time. �What happens is that the cache can get frames that are erroneously marked as "not needing to be computed" when in fact they still need to be calculated!

More info here: � . �But in particular, for RE:Vision Effects plugins and CS6, you should be using the following versions:
DE:Noise: v2.1
FieldsKit: v3.2
PV Feather: v1.6
RE:Fill: v2.1
RE:Flex: v4.1
RE:Map: v2.2
ReelSmart Motion Blur: v4.1
Shade/Shape: 4.1
Smoothkit: v3.1
Twixtor: v5.1
Video Gogh: v3.6

Pete Litwinowicz
RE:Vision Effects, Inc.

From: "Robert W. Walker" <<>>
Reply-To: After Effects Mail List <<>>
Date: Monday, May 7, 2012 10:09 AM
To: After Effects Mail List <<>>
Subject: Re: [AE] Moving plug-ins to AE CS6

That did it - thank you.<>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [AE] Moving plug-ins to AE CS6
From: Jack Tunnicliffe <<>>
Date: Mon, May 07, 2012 12:39 pm
To: "After Effects Mail List" <<>>
There should definitely be a CS6 mediacore folder. You may have to reinstall CS6. Maybe you should run your disk utility and reset disk permissions, etc. For some reason that folder didn't get written into your media core folder.
Jack Tunnicliffe
Java Post Production<>
On May 7, 2012, at 10:24 AM, Robert W. Walker wrote:
> I've installed Production Premium CS6, made aliases of the CS5.5
> plug-ins, moved them into the CS6 Plug-ins folder, now need to move the
> Library>Application Support>Adobe>Common>Plug-ins>MediaCore elements
> into CS6 - but there is no CS6 folder in the MediaCore folder. �What am
> I doing wrong?
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