Just wanted to comment on the OpenColorIO plug-in. It's really useful and handles color transformations that you haven't been able to do in After Effects earlier. For exampple, a common problem has been how to treat the Alexas logC files in AE, as the provided luts by Arri is destructive viewing luts. Now, these conversions are super easy. You can easily convert your image from logC to linear (or sRGB, rec709 etc), do the work in that color space, and then easily convert back to logC for final delivery. I really recommend looking at this.
2012/5/9 Brendan Bolles <brendan@fnordware.com>
Hi everyone, I've got some plug-in updates to share with you, most of which are free.
In case you haven't already read Todd's blog post, ProEXR 1.7 includes free updates to the three EXR plug-ins that ship with After Effects. These latest versions can significantly boost the speed of reading multi-channel EXR files, up to 3x by some accounts. They are totally compatible with the old versions, so just replace the ones you've got with the new ones. I imagine that some day these will be included with AE, but CS6 is still shipping with version 1.5.
ProEXR 1.7 also includes a new non-free plug-in to add EXR support to Premiere Pro, along with other improvements.
I've also just posted a free AE plug-in to do OpenColorIO, the highly-nerdy visual effects color management system.
Rather than go into more detail, I'll just send you here:
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