I had a similar issue shooting a conference last week. We were supposed to take this guy's wmv file downloaded from Dropbox, and play it as an introduction when he went on stage. I downloaded the file on my MBP just fine, but when I put it on a thumb drive to give to the woman who was running PowerPoint (Dell laptop connected to the projector), it stripped the audio. I brought it into FCP to see if I could see it there but it was gone. I also tried to transcode into something else using Compressor and Adobe Media Encoder but no dice.
BUT, it clearly played the audio just fine on my machine. We never figured it out. The just gave us an AVI file instead.
Is this common?
Kent D. Rich Granite River Studios 141 Broad Cove Drive Concord, NH 03303
(603) 568-7623
Sent from my iPhone No.
I finally output an aiff file and zippered the files together in FCP.
On May 9, 2012, at 8:50 PM, Phil Spitler wrote: Is it a guide layer?
Phil Spitler | Associate Creative Director | Bonfire Labs | t : 415.394.8200 | c : 415.571.3139 | Bonfirelabs.com
On May 9, 2012, at 4:53 PM, James Culbertson wrote: Dor some reason when I output to ProResHQ Quicktime the final file is missing the audio track. I hear audio fine in AE, audio is enabled in output module as usual, but no audio track in the rendered quicktime. I do have audio in an MP4 review file. Any suggestions? Thanks, James +---End of message---+ To unsubscribe send any message to < ae-list-off@media-motion.tv>