On May 9, 2012, at 12:54 PM, mike cardeiro wrote:
> James,
> One thing I have noticed over the years, If you are moving a text layer (or continuously rastered ai layer) they will get the jitters; if you precompose the text (or ai file) at the largest size it is going to be, and do your mmove on the precomposed layer, the jitters will go away.
> Not sure if this is your issue, but if it is a raw ae text layer you are moving, try precomposing and doing the move on the precompose.
> Mike Cardeiro
> Editor/Animator
> D4 Creative Group - Philadelphia, PA
> -------------------------------
> Resume | samples
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: James Culbertson <
>> To: After Effects Mail List <
>> Cc:
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2012 3:43 PM
>> Subject: [AE] QT scroll playback shakiness?
>> I have a scroll running at exactly 119.88 pixels/sec, but playing back on the
>> desktop progressive (and ProResHQ). I've noticed that sometimes otherwise
>> optimal scrolls like this will alternate from smooth to slightly shaky and back
>> to smooth randomly through playback in Quicktime. Is this just a quicktime
>> playback thing? Anyone else noticed this?
>> It's usually completely smooth in After Effects itself.a
>> I've seen it quite often before but just now had a client ask about it.
>> Thanks,
>> James
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