Mailing List ? Message #43894
From: Teddy Gage <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Best GFX card for AE/PP
Date: Sat, 26 May 2012 11:35:57 -0400
To: After Effects Mail List <>
So I reinstalled AE from scratch, started up, but still get a screen flash during raytrace initialization, then the 5070 error and AE quits. Won't start up at all. I am running the 301.42 nVidia drivers but also tried the 301.32 CUDA developer drivers. I have the most recent CUDA toolkit installed. the GTX 580 was working great. This is a head scratcher. I'm about to throw my 680 in the second PCI slot just to see if that does anything. So disappointed!

On Sat, May 26, 2012 at 10:54 AM, Teddy Gage <> wrote:

Todd... did the update to 11.0.1, pulled the 580 out, swapped in the 680 and got the dreaded 5070 :: 0 error ray tracer failed to initialize. AE won't even start up.; Reinstalled drivers several times with no luck, about to try to reinstall AE. Any ideas? On win 7 64. Happy to submit a bug report

On May 26, 2012 4:58 AM, "Gary Berendsen" <> wrote:

I Noticed that 2.x and 3 have the same features are the able to mixed?

Gary Berendsen - VFX Generalist

On May 26, 2012, at 2:59 AM, Todd Kopriva wrote:

CUDA compute level

Animator & Editor

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