well said
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(please excuse the typos)
On May 26, 2012, at 12:35 PM, Jack Tunnicliffe <jack@javapost.ca> wrote:
> I haven't used the animation codec for years. I'm really surprised when I see so many people still are using this codec. You know that codec was created in 1990 or so and while it was great at the time and even handled an alpha channel, it is a 20 some year old codec. It is 8 bits so don't bother trying to render trillions of colors with it. ProRes 4444 is a wonderful codec and is a higher data rate than ProRes HQ and also provides a straight alpha.
> Jack Tunnicliffe
> Java Post Production
> www.javapost.ca
> On May 26, 2012, at 10:54 AM, Michael Malone wrote:
>> In CS5 I was able to make an output module using the QT Animation codec set to trillions of colors. Not so in CS6, only millions. I wonder whats up with that. Maybe it's time to find a new intermediate codec?
>> Mac 10.7.4
>> thanks for any advice
>> mike
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