Mailing List ? Message #44408
From: Stephen van Vuuren <>
Subject: RE: [AE] (OT) An example of a PC version of a Mac Pro with today's tech for AE
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 18:54:24 -0400
To: 'After Effects Mail List' <>

> If you are assigning more cores to AE that are physically on your CPU, you're not getting anything additional out of multiproc rendering compared to stopping at the number of physical cores. 


Are you sure about this? My DCP renders (rendering JPG2K with XYZ color transform) on a 4 physical cores is much slower than rendering on 7 (or even 8 if the machine is otherwise unused) cores. For that type of renders, HTT imposes only a mild penalty.


>If you are also buying RAM to support those virtual cores, you're potentially wasting money.


This relates to the above point – for renders that do well with HTT, they need RAM. And have plenty of background RAM available, I’ve yet to run into a scenario where I feel like I have “too much RAM”. Plus RAM previews etc. and RAM always seems like a good buy.


stephen van vuuren



A film is – or should be – more like music than like fiction. It should be a progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what’s behind the emotion, the meaning, all that comes later.

Stanley Kubrick


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