Ahh. Preferences > Previews > Preview Quality >Zoom Quality set to Accurate seems to sharpen up the PAR correction. Thank you, Chris.
Jim C.
On Oct 19, 2012, at 9:50 AM, Chris Meyer wrote:
> It's exposed in the normal preferences these days. I'm not at my workstation, but I believe it's Preferences > DIsplay. Affects display scalings including odd Magnification settings.
> - Chris
> On Oct 19, 2012, at 7:51 AM, Jim Curtis <jpcurtis@me.com> wrote:
>> Could somebody please remind me how to change the quality of the Pixel Aspect Ratio Correction? I recall you have to change a value in the preferences with a text editor. Still possible in CS6?
>> Thanks,
>> Jim C.
>> .
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