thanx for the feedback!
On 19-Oct-12 05:56, Trish Meyer (Lists) wrote:
pressing . to preview is shortcut for Audio Preview > Here Foreward, which seems to only work in the Timeline.
In the layer panel, try 0 for RAM Preview or spacebar for standard preview.
Illustrator layers only have a Layer panel is they are NOT continuously rasterized. As soon as you CR them, they technically have no "source" until later in the render pipeline (after Transformations). Because masks have to be applied to pixels, the layer panel just won't open. I've asked before for a dialog to open to explain this, as it is confusing behavior. So if you want to apply a mask you have to do it in the comp panel after the pixels have been made; or turn off CR and mask, then turn it back on.
Same goes if you CR a Solid layer.
Text and Shape layers have CR on by default, so you don't get a layer panel for them at all.
Another example of why understanding the render pipeline is important to understand AE's quirks... ;)
On Oct 5, 2012, at 6:46 AM, Evan Fotis wrote:
Hello, I seem to have a brain lock.
I'm trying to preview some audio files by double clicking on the layer and pressing numpad del (.) but I get TL audio preview.
Also by double clicking on a vector ai layer in TL it will not open in layer view. Only when I do that from the project panel does it show up in footage window..
Any ideas?
ps: as a workaround I right click in project "reveal in bridge" which is set to auto play, but its too cumbersome.
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