Mailing List ? Message #46243
From: Mel Matsuoka <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Right-click + Autosave menu crashes in CS6 (OS X)?
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2012 10:54:24 -1000
To: After Effects Mail List <>
I stopped using Increment and Save the minute I bought the qp_VersionSnaphot script from aescripts. 

This should be built in to AE, in mu opinion. It's a much cleaner way to implement project incrementing. I can just work in the same projectfile all the time, and incremented backups get saved to a timestamped snapshots subfolder, without defiling my main aep project folder.

It's so awesome. Best $30 I've spent all year.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Jim Curtis <> wrote:
One way around it is not to use it.  Ae has a nifty Increment and Save, which I like a lot better.  I invoke that at every significant milestone, and end up with a bunch of versions anyway, but when I do need to go back in time, the state I return to has more significance.

Anyway, just a suggestion.  Some people like auto-save.

I wish Increment and Save was in Pr.  I'll make a feature request.

On Oct 19, 2012, at 3:14 PM, Greg Balint wrote:

> I don't have a crashing problem, but I do seem to find that Autosave jumps in at the most inopportune times, like right in the middle of value scrubbing, or color selection, or as you've said, right clicking.
> It almost seems like they could code in for the autosave to wait until there's an idle time, when the user isn't in the middle of interacting with the interface. right clicks, drags, open menus, etc, should all be "no" times for autosave to kick in.
> ///Greg Balint
> //Art Director / Motion Graphics Designer
> /321.514.4839
> On 10/19/2012 3:46 PM, Mel Matsuoka wrote:
>> , so I find myself having to restart a crashed AE CS6 at least a dozen times a day.
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