On Mac, you can drag a Comp from Ae's Project window into AME.
Don't know about templates.
I have learned that if you want H264, doing it in AME gives you a range of options you don't get in Ae.
On Oct 20, 2012, at 12:41 PM, Chris Meyer wrote:
> I thought I heard that you can not just render AE comps in AME, but also use your AE output module templates. However, AME does not seem to allow me to drag an item from AE's Render Queue straight into AME's queue; just to drag or add comps. And I can't find in AME where to load my AE templates.
> Did I hear incorrectly, and I have to rebuild my output module (esp. codec) templates in AME? (I strongly prefer to render to x264, not the stock version of h.264.) Or is there a tutorial/video/FAQ someone can point me to in order to accomplish this?
> many thanks -
> Chris
> P.S. Has anyone else experience AE randomly doing a frame swap in rendered output, where a frame from a different point in time gets displaced and re-inserted where it doesn't belong? I've had it happen with AE CS5.5 and CS6, rendering to both Animation (keyframing enabled) and x264, even with the Disk Cache turned off in CS5.5. Yes, the comp previews correctly.
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