I've been running it a couple of weeks now. I upgraded so I could install the latest nVidia driver for my Quadro 4000.
That made a tangible improvement in the stability of Pr. I've noticed no downsides in Ae.
The Ae update came out about the same time I upgraded the OS.
The update to Ae addressed my major concerns.
The only major issue I've had since upgrading was that I put BCC Lightning on a clip, and my entire computer froze immediately afterwards, except I could move my mouse. I couldn't switch apps, quit, shut down, etc. I had to hold the button down on my MacPro3,1 to reboot. I subsequently discovered that a clip in that precomp was corrupted, so that freeze was probably a combination of those factors. Once I replaced the corrupted file with an alternate scene, I was able to apply the plug without crashing.
On Oct 23, 2012, at 3:06 PM, James Culbertson wrote:
> Does OSX 10.7.5 break anything within After Effects CS6 or related 3rd party plugins?
> Thanks,
> James
> +---End of message---+
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