Mailing List ? Message #50074
From: Mr. Eric D. Kirk <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Mocha AE
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 08:10:52 -0400
To: After Effects Mail List <>

I don't necessarily dislike where the switch is  but when you mouse over it doesn't say "align surface" either.  No biggie now that i know though.


On Jul 17, 2013 5:58 AM, "Robert Kjettrup" <> wrote:

Hi Ross

I too miss the big easy to find 'align surface' button from the older version of Mocha AE that was bundled with CS6 and below, it took me a while too to find the new location of it in the new CC bundled version.
It has properly been this way for some time in the regular mocha version (v3 has been out a long time now?) but is there a good reason to hide this much used button? Was too many users mistakenly clicking it when they shouldn't? Or did it just take too much ui space? (I still better liked the interface in v1 than many of the 'improvements' you have done later to look more like 'normal' applications. Too many dumb small icons. Although I have to say there also have been many good improvements feature wise :-D)
...and can we have the align surface button back in the future? a text button and not a small icon button :-)

- Robert

Den 17/07/2013 05.10 skrev "Ross Shain" <>:
Under the layer list in the upper left part of interface. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 16, 2013, at 8:32 PM, "Mr. Eric D. Kirk" <> wrote:

I hope this isn't too far off topic.  I have Mocha AE 3.x and for the life of me, i can't find the Align Surface switch.

Can anyone describe where it is?



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