respectfully, this is totally NOT a mac vs PC thing at all. its an open evaluation of what does and does not work across the 2 platforms.
I had a $6k+ loaded Z800 here for several months that made the mac look cheap. I really wanted it to work and integrate it in here. the codec thing combined with networking problems simply made it come down to "the cheaper PC" simply wasn't. there were too many deep workflow problems very specifically with codecs that simply made it not worth the hassle. I would be totally thrilled to have a sub $2K i7-6core machine or two here, but its just not workable. perhaps I should say, the workarounds to make it work simply are not time or cost effective. also have no mistake, I hate the new mac pro with its lack of drive holes, PCIe 16X slots, ect. I may well pick up a used mac tower or two on the used market with the plan of keeping them running for 5+ years.
Oh boy, another mac vs. pc codec thread. How exciting. Steve: not everyone can afford a $5,000 mac pro with half the render power of an equivalent PC. Neither system is perfect. Use the tools you need to get the job done. There's always a solution.