Fantastic idea for Kickstarter.
stephen van vuuren
A film is - or should be - more like music than like fiction. It should be a
progression of moods and feelings. The theme, what's behind the emotion, the
meaning, all that comes later.
-Stanley Kubrick
-----Original Message-----
From: After Effects Mail List [mailto:AE-List@media-motion.tv] On Behalf Of
Louai Abu-Osba
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2013 7:39 AM
To: After Effects Mail List
Subject: Re: [AE] lossless codec in a container roundup
On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 2:18 AM, Brendan Bolles <brendan@fnordware.com>
> You just blew my mind. And made my accountant swoon.
> Would you guys really do that? Honestly, it would really help me do this.
If I had been paid to work on these recent WebM and Theora plug-ins, I would
have billed the client about $10k so far, and I'm just getting started.
ARE YOU KIDDING?! Offcourse! The need for a lossless/lossy, high
performance, multi-bit depth, resolution independent, alpha supporting,
cross platform codec with host plugins is enormous. All those in favor, say
What you outlined below is exactly what makes crowdfunding successful.
Plus, you have lots of credibility, which is important when asking for a
large sum. I'm glad you're looking at existing open source projects, as any
open source advocate will tell you not to start your own project but to join
someone elses whenever possible.
If you want to make this happen I'd be happy to help. I know a few open
source hackers that know many of people behind open source content creation
tools, like the Ogg guys and Blender.
> I'm not one of those guys that thinks all software must be open source,
but I do believe strongly that the formats you use to store and archive your
work should be open. Free as in beer to download, and free as in speech so
you can give the code to a programmer years from now and they can find a way
to read your 2013 movie file on whatever computing architecture is used on
the latest self-driving flying iCar.
> Plus, there is some pretty amazing open source code out there just waiting
to be wired up to our favorite Adobe programs. I had not even heard of WebM
or Ogg Theora or Dirac until a few weeks ago, but I immediately knew they
could be great cross-platform replacements for QuickTime, maybe even ProRes.
An added bonus: you'd be able to kiss frustrating QuickTime gamma issues
> Brendan
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