Mailing List ? Message #52208
From: Mathias Möhl <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Random position inside mask
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 13:01:15 +0100
To: After Effects Mail List <>
Hi Chris,

the expression you describe is implemented in this iExpression - with a few advanced controls:

Yes, it can become slow, but if you just need one keyframe, just set the workarea to a single frame and use iExpressions "bake" function to convert the live expressions in a single keyframe.


Am 19.12.2013 01:33, schrieb Chris Zwar:
I'm looking for a way to randomly position a bunch of layers inside any given shape.  The shape could be either an image or a mask.

Does anyone know of a script that can do this that's already around?

I can do it with expressions but the only way I can think of is to use a loop, and check the source layer using the 'sampleImage' function and keep looping random values until one works.  This will be a very slow process?

Doing it with a script may be just as slow but a lot easier to work with as it only needs to be run once.

Any other suggestions?

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dr. mathias möhl
marlow 52, 18551 sagard, germany
phone +49 (0)38302 - 887561

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