Mailing List ? Message #52220
From: Phil Bearman <>
Subject: Re: [AE] AE Question that has boggled me
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 18:09:22 +0000
To: After Effects Mail List <>
Hi Eric,

Further to Robert's information, here's a screenshot of a 3D 'floor' layer illuminated with a point light with the properties of the light and solid showing so you can compare them with your setup - might help identify the problem...



Phil Bearman

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On 21 December 2013 16:10, Mr. Eric D. Kirk <> wrote:
I think my problem gets back to Walter Soyka's original response down below about accepting lights off and on.

It would seem if I set my surface layer (the stage in this case) to accept lights, place a light over it, I should have an illuminated area of the stage where that light is.  I'm not getting that however and it just remains dark.

Appreciate the help.


On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Chris Bobotis <> wrote:
˘Trapcode Lux˘ created by Trapcode, published by Red Giant Software.

Yup! Volumetric light(s). 


On 2013-12-20, at 6:38 PM, Mr. Eric D. Kirk wrote:

Yeah...uh...thought it was trapcode, definitely red giant Lux....the volumetric lights.

On Dec 20, 2013 6:35 PM, "Chris Bobotis" <> wrote:
Hey Eric,

A link to a good visual reference would help BUT off the top of my head... Trapcode Lux?

On 2013-12-20, at 6:23 PM, Mr. Eric D. Kirk wrote:


I started this thread a week two ago and have a follow up that pertinent.  I have this setup that includes like a large stage with a singer on it.  I have a bunch of spot lights focused around like a disco thing.  The look I want to create is to have the stage dark and when the spotlight changes position, it lights up the stage in the area it is directed.

Any ideas on how best to set this up?  I mean, I'd like the stage to be completely dark except where the light is focused.

Thanks ahead.


On Dec 20, 2013 5:28 PM, "Mr. Eric D. Kirk" <> wrote:

I started this thread a week two ago and have a follow up that pertinent.  I have this setup that includes like a large stage with a singer on it.  I have a bunch of spot lights focused around like a disco thing.  The look I want to create is to have the stage dark and when the spotlight changes position, it lights up the stage in the area it is directed.

Any ideas on how best to set this up?  I mean, I'd like the stage to be completely dark except where the light is focused.

Thanks ahead.


On Sun, Dec 8, 2013 at 4:14 PM, Robert Davidson <> wrote:
Now I see what you mean Eric. 
Walter explains it well!

On 09/12/2013, at 3:41 AM, Walter Soyka wrote:

On Dec 8, 2013 11:08 AM, "Mr. Eric D. Kirk" <> wrote:
> Sorry - thought I was clear.  You know when you add a 2D image and add a light, the image becomes black?  Then you have to change accept lights to off and the image reappears.  The appearance is that you are changing it TO accept lights since now you can see it.
> Just not understanding what's really happening there.
> Eric

When you set accept lights to off, you are telling the layer to disregard the lighting in the scene. It will not be shaded at all, becoming neither lighter nor darker in response to lights.

If you have a light in the scene, accept lights is on, and the layer is dark, then it is accepting lights, but no light is actually hitting the layer. Since it's not being illuminated, it is dark. You may need to reposition your light, or add additional lights to the scene.

You can use an ambient light in the scene to raise the overall lighting level.

Walter Soyka

Eric D. Kirk | Kirk Productions
Hidden in the Woods | VFX
The Night Visitor | VFX

Skype: Mettlecom

Skype: Mettlecom

Eric D. Kirk | Kirk Productions
Hidden in the Woods | VFX
The Night Visitor | VFX

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