Mailing List ? Message #52239
Byron Nash <>
Re: [AE] Expressions: Somewhere between Auto Orient and Auto Orient Y only
Sat, 21 Dec 2013 22:48:32 -0500
After Effects Mail List <>
That's perfect Dan, exactly what I was looking for. That is the first time I have used toWorldVec in the layer space transforms. What is that line doing, setting up some kind of "up-vector" on Z?
I need to keep some 3D layers flat in screen space. One
immediately reaches for the Auto Orient switch. It seems to get weird on the
screen edges as a layer approaches the camera. I tried Dan Ebberts go to
expression for Y only orientation(
but that doesn't do the trick either. I bascially want the layers to be
rotated so they have no perspective but still stick to the 3D