Mailing List ? Message #52248
From: Robert Kjettrup <>
Subject: Re: [AE] [OT] Some new experiments
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2013 13:22:00 +0100
To: After Effects Mail List <>

very nice use of newton + particular.
I guess you use forces to drive a layer that you then convert to an emitter that you also displace in 3d?
Newton is still only 2d rigid body collisions, right? Its been a while since i took a look at it last time.

Also very nice track selection, old school Autechre.
Now i feel like listening to their old albums again, this track was one of my favorites in those days.
Have mostly been listening to their recent albums the last few years, and they are still in a leauge of their own :-)


Den 23/12/2013 04.27 skrev "Teddy Gage" <>:
First of a few new tests using Newton + Particular in interesting ways.

further videos will explain what I'm doing


VFX & Motion Graphic Artist
teddygage dot com
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