Mailing List ? Message #52250
Lucas Maciel <>
Re: [AE] Creating and tracking a alpha channel
Mon, 23 Dec 2013 11:12:28 -0200
After Effects Mail List <>
I founding this tutorial about the Trackviz script, it's exactly what I looking for about what i asking and motiontracker for screen replacement.
Thank yoy!
Best Regards!
On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 12:34 PM, Lucas Maciel <> wrote:
Tracking again using the points of the position of a solid layer to tracker for the screen replacement, be a also a alternative?
On Sat, Dec 21, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Mathias Möhl <> wrote:
The script TrackerViz has a function
to convert mask vertices to solid layers.
From the solid layers you can cut and paste the position data to
the corners of a corner pin effect (which you can apply to a
Alternatively, if the surface you masked is good to track (no
reflections etc), you can bring your mask from AE to mocha using
MochaImport+ and track it in mocha.
I have this footage that I need to remove a cellphone
screen. I created a mask and did a roto, animated the path
(not in a solid layer, the mask in on the actually layer of
the footage)
Now I come with this situation, to create a
content-placeholder-composition for this screen, i need track
the four anchor points, but how do that?
If i created a solid layer on top of the mask-footage-layer
and put the blending mode on Exclusion, i be able to see a
Black-White screen, like a view of a alpha channel, it's
possible take view and create a alpha channel for after that,
tracking down the archer points to match the position for
screen placeholder?