Mailing List ? Message #52791
From: Bruce Tovsky <>
Subject: Re: [AE] [AE] OT: Mac screen capture software recommendations
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 14:29:26 -0500
To: After Effects Mail List <>
thanks teddy! always good to have other options. and cheaper can be good sometimes.

On Feb 12, 2014, at 1:22 PM, Teddy Gage <> wrote:

Just to throw out another, we use Snapz Pro at work, I like the interface, it's very fast to set up, and offers multiple codec options. Pretty cheap too I think. 

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 1:00 PM, Lloyd Alvarez <> wrote:
I think ScreenFlow is by far the best screen capture app on the mac.  It's very stable and has really cool features that give you a lot of flexibility after recording since it records the UI as separate objects as opposed to one big movie file.


On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 12:45 PM, Bruce Tovsky <> wrote:
thanks mathias! nice to hear from many of the folks whose video tutorials i know well, and what they used to capture the action!

On Feb 12, 2014, at 12:11 PM, Mathias Möhl <> wrote:

Hi Bruce,

I am also using Camtasia and both Mac and Win versions work well for my tutorials.

In general, it saves a lot of time if you can do recording and editing in the same application:
I record a bit and if I did some mistakes, I can edit it before recording the next bit. When I first record everything and then start editing, it is much slower.

simplify your cgi

Dr. Mathias Möhl
Marlow 52 , 18551 Sagard, Germany
Phone +49 (0)38302 - 88 75 61

On 12 Feb 2014, at 17:33, Bruce Tovsky <> wrote:

thanks brian, already on it. didn't realize that ScreenFlow was a Telestream product - i've known those folks for quite a while, using Flip4Mac and Episode extensively. 

On Feb 12, 2014, at 11:25 AM, wrote:

There are demos of each available if you want to compare. Make sure to compare the whole process, including capture, edit, and export.
In the past we had issues with export of Camtasia files to an editable format (like Quicktime for FCP), which we attributed to Camtasia's variable frame rates... so if you wanted to post-process in a non-Camtasia environment it was an issue. They may have resolved this, but perhaps others could comment to confirm?
------ Original Message ------
From: "Bruce Tovsky" <>
To: "After Effects Mail List" <>
Sent: 2/12/2014 11:02:38 AM
Subject: Re: [AE] OT: Mac screen capture software recommendations
thanks curtis! it's neck-and-ncek between ScreenFlow and Camtasia.

On Feb 12, 2014, at 10:59 AM, Curtis Nichols <> wrote:

Camtasia by TechSmith

Curtis Nichols
PCS Production Co.
Irving, TX.

(sent via the moons of Saturn)

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 8:48 AM, Bruce Tovsky <> wrote:
hi all
i'm trying to help a client get setup to do some live screen captures for a demo / spot of an educational web product. we need to show functionality / "game play" as cutaways from a live action shoot. does anyone have a favorite mac app? i usually use iShowU but i'd like to see if there's something better. needs to do good, high quality captures. ScreenFlow seemed promising…
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simplify your cgi

Dr. Mathias Möhl
Marlow 52 , 18551 Sagard, Germany
Phone +49 (0)38302 - 88 75 61

VFX & Motion Graphic Artist
teddygage dot com

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