third-party video I/O hardware (e.g., AJA Kona)?
From: After
Effects Mail List [mailto:AE-List@media-motion.tv] On Behalf Of Phil Spitler
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 3:45 PM
To: After Effects Mail List
Subject: Re: [AE] RAM Preview
No color management, whats most weird is the fact that it doesn't say that is playing back from RAM in the info pallet.
Phil Spitler
| Creative Technologist | Bonfire Labs | t : 415.394.8200 m : 415.571.3139
Website |
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On Feb 12, 2014, at 2:23 PM, rendernyc wrote:
do you have color management on?
CC prefs default previews prefs for zoom and CM are now set to more accurate vs faster
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 4:58 PM, Robert W. Walker <robertw@walkersound.com> wrote:
I occasionally run into a comp whose RAM preview will lag visually, out
of sync with the audio, until the first play-through then it starts
again and the video "keeps up" with the audio. Do you get the red
message in the info box that says "Preview NOT real-time" followed by
"Composition not at 100%" or something like that?
Robert W. Walker
Los Angeles
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [AE] RAM Preview
> From: Phil Spitler <phil@bonfirelabs.com>
> Date: Wed, February 12, 2014 4:29 pm
> To: "After Effects Mail List" <AE-List@media-motion.tv>
> Since upgrading to CC I have been having RAM preview issues.
> The playback is running at about half speed.
> The Frame Rate is set to auto in the Preview options but it still plays slow, my 8 second animation plays back at 15 seconds.
> The info palette never gets to point where it says "playing back from RAM xx FPS" it seems stuck on the last thing it was doing while preparing to playback.
> I have no idea how to solve this issue but it makes working impossible,
> Any ideas?
> Phil
> Phil Spitler | Creative Technologist | Bonfire Labs | t :
415.394.8200 m : 415.571.3139
> Website | Facebook | LinkedIn
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