Mailing List ? Message #52801
From: Anders Sundstedt <>
Subject: Getting work through a company
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 12:21:46 +0000
To: <>

I know this is not a question about AE, but as a freelancer I wanted to ask
for advise on this. So don't feel you need to read or reply to this one.

I have been contacted by a company that would give my details directly to their clients that are interested in
animated video, as they have clients asking for it and they don't create animated video themselves.

Now how much of my price/quote of a project would you say is fair to pay the company who helped me get this work?

It's not someone I have worked with before or a friend that I would expect to just give away work to me for free.

Let's say I would be willing to pay him a certain % of the price for getting me the work.

Also, since they clients wanting the video would be working directly with me and I would probably invoice the client directly.

So then it's also a question for long-term, for what would be fair and common for any addition future work from the same client.

I.e. I could not keep paying the company a finders-fee for ever for all projects.

Keep in mind the company would not be involved in the production or do any of the work, it would all be directly with me and the client.

What would you recommend?

I certainly need/want the work.

I could of course make sure the quote would be enough to afford paying the company this % of the budget.

I would not be a consultant working for the company so it would be my own production, where I can take full the credit for the work.


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