Mailing List ? Message #52810
From: Py Fave <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Getting work through a company
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 17:23:00 +0100
To: After Effects Mail List <>
or you can offer some of your work,
for their promo videos or ..

2014-02-13 17:10 GMT+01:00 Tobias Lind <>:
> Also, it depends on what kind of company it is.
> If it's an advertising agency or similar (that's not pooling talent) I doubt
> that they're explicitly asking for a cut on the deal.
> It might just be that it's a service to their clients to provide these
> skills and at the same not be bothered with the nitty gritty.
> Have they asked for a percentage?
> If not, ask them how they usually handle these projects.
> / Tobias
> On Feb 13, 2014, at 16:53 , Greg Balint <> wrote:
> I've done 10% in the past.. I've heard some people do 20%.  Definitely only
> a one time thing. Unless they bring another new client your way.
> Really depends on the budget. If your client doesn't know the actual budget
> , then just figure what it was worth for you.  Say the project is $10,000.
> $1,000 - $1,500would be a nice kick back for them. $2,000 would feel like a
> considerable chunk of the pie. If the project was only like $1,000 then
> maybe $100.  But at that point It's kinda petty cash for a larger business.
> But it does show your gratitude.
> ///Greg Balint
> //Art Director / Motion Graphics Designer
> /321.514.4839
> On Feb 13, 2014 7:23 AM, "Anders Sundstedt" <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I know this is not a question about AE, but as a freelancer I wanted to
>> ask
>> for advise on this. So don't feel you need to read or reply to this one.
>> I have been contacted by a company that would give my details directly to
>> their clients that are interested in
>> animated video, as they have clients asking for it and they don't create
>> animated video themselves.
>> Now how much of my price/quote of a project would you say is fair to pay
>> the company who helped me get this work?
>> It's not someone I have worked with before or a friend that I would expect
>> to just give away work to me for free.
>> Let's say I would be willing to pay him a certain % of the price for
>> getting me the work.
>> Also, since they clients wanting the video would be working directly with
>> me and I would probably invoice the client directly.
>> So then it's also a question for long-term, for what would be fair and
>> common for any addition future work from the same client.
>> I.e. I could not keep paying the company a finders-fee for ever for all
>> projects.
>> Keep in mind the company would not be involved in the production or do any
>> of the work, it would all be directly with me and the client.
>> What would you recommend?
>> I certainly need/want the work.
>> I could of course make sure the quote would be enough to afford paying the
>> company this % of the budget.
>> I would not be a consultant working for the company so it would be my own
>> production, where I can take full the credit for the work.
>> Thanks
>> Anders
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