Mailing List ? Message #52835
From: Mr. Eric D. Kirk <>
Subject: Re: [AE] firelight
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 10:02:14 -0500
To: After Effects Mail List <>
Hey Jim,

I've never seen a tutorial about fire making that is specific to using an AE light but if you just mean, building a fire that reacts to light, I've seen several.  Here's one that uses particles.

The guy in the video above also shows his fire in a separate link (under more on youtube) or here:

So, I guess practical fire isn't an option, such as some of the Andrew Kramer stock fire stuff?  I know there are a couple of them that look just like a normal camp fire and are real of course.


On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 9:51 AM, Jim Curtis <> wrote:
Does anybody know of a tutorial or technique I can use to make an Ae light look like a campfire on layers that accept lights and shadows?
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Eric D. Kirk | Kirk Productions
Hidden in the Woods | VFX
The Night Visitor | VFX
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