I'm getting OK results by wiggling a Light with a salmon color.
POI: wiggle(20,30) Position: wiggle(10,100) Intensity: wiggle(10,10) Initial Value: 150%
Comp is 23.976 fps.
But, it still looks a little too regular or cyclical. I think if I added another wiggle to a wiggle, I might get something that looks more random. Or, maybe wiggle the camera.
Anyway… I think I'm onto something. Better ideas welcomed.
Ahh, i see. I will poke around more. Eric
On Feb 17, 2014 10:30 AM, "Jim Curtis" < jpcurtis@me.com> wrote:
Hi Eric,
I don't want to create fire, I want to create the look that fire has on objects: the wiggly shadows and highlights. I'm guessing I could wiggle the light position, point of interest and add in some fractal noise or use real fire video and projection mapping.
I was just hoping not to have to re-invent the wheel in case somebody has already developed a working method that they'd share.
Thanks, Jim
Hey Jim,
I've never seen a tutorial about fire making that is specific to using an AE light but if you just mean, building a fire that reacts to light, I've seen several. Here's one that uses particles. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z9ti_dGgQE
So, I guess practical fire isn't an option, such as some of the Andrew Kramer stock fire stuff? I know there are a couple of them that look just like a normal camp fire and are real of course.