I'm not sure it's needed now, but Steve Holmes (at Artbeats) and Mark Christensen had earlier advice on fire and environment; links:
On Tue, 2/18/14, Chris Zwar <chris@chriszwar.com> wrote:
Subject: Re: [AE] firelight
To: "After Effects Mail List" <AE-List@media-motion.tv>
Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 2:14 AM
In addition to the other suggestions,
if you have some footage of fire you can always pop it in
front of a light, set the light transmission to 100%, and
then the fire will be projected onto your 3D layers.
On 18/02/2014, at 1:51 AM, Jim Curtis <jpcurtis@me.com>
> Does anybody know of a tutorial or technique I can use
to make an Ae light look like a campfire on layers that
accept lights and shadows?
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