Mailing List — Message #53792
From: Roei Tzoref <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Workflow - colour grading with dynamic link
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 12:58:29 +0300
To: After Effects Mail List <>
Thats a great tip Chris. Thanks.

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 5:14 AM, Chris Zwar <> wrote:
On 03/05/2014, at 6:34 PM, Jarle Leirpoll <> wrote:
> The Master Clip Effect in the next version of both Premiere and SpeedGrade
> will help quite a bit. Color correct a clip in a bin, and it's corrected on
> all instances in all timelines!

When I used Premiere to export the edit to After Effects, I noticed that it was clever about the use of source clips, and re-used the same source clips multiple times in the AE timeline.  As I was editing a 'drama' that had lots of A/B cutting between the same clips, this meant that on average only two or three source clips needed to be graded for every 10 layers in the timeline.

So I precomped each piece of source media and replaced the source files in the 'master' timeline with the precomps.  Then I did all the grading / pan scan zooming / stabilisation in the precomps, rather than the "master" timeline.  This saved lots of time, I was working with about 40ish precomps instead of several hundred layers.

But still, I started this thread because I wasn't happy with the workflow and I'm looking forward to playing around with speed grade.  Glad to know it's promising.

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