Mailing List — Message #53795
From: Anders Sundstedt <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Private training questions
Date: Mon, 5 May 2014 20:09:42 +0100
To: After Effects Mail List <>
Hi Roei,
Thanks for the detailed reply. I really appreciate it.
I’m sure others will also find it useful.
Kind Regards,
Anders Sundstedt
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2014 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [AE] Private training questions
hi Anders,
I teach a 3rd year students at design school about 18 students and I get paid about 50$Hr. (3 hours per week)
which is quite a small pay compared to the work I put in my classes but I take into the fact
that its a great working experience and I learn so much by teaching because I have to simplify stuff
and get under the hood on subjects that I wouldn't on a regular basis.  so teaching gives you so much more.
about private tutoring I personally avoid that because I think I would charge too much or get too little
so it's not that worth it. I recommend people to get their training online in sites like Lynda (where you can
see other teachers teaching methods and syllabus and create your own) or on group based learning.
some time ago a student recommended Angie taylor one on one workshop you can get some information

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Anders Sundstedt <> wrote:
Can anyone offer private training in a software like AE, or do you have to have some type of trainer certification?

What training provider/receiver experience can you share here on the AE Mail List and what is a typical setup / scenario and what can one expect to pay for private one-to-one sessions vs. group training vs. certified course training and what is usually covered etc.?

If you wanted to advertise providing some training or help in AE, WordPress, programming or so on, how would you best advertise this?

What about training at their location vs. at your location?



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