From: "Chris Zwar" Received: from ([] verified) by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.1.0) with ESMTPS id 7116631 for; Mon, 16 Jul 2018 00:51:31 +0200 Received: by with SMTP id i26-v6so13936098pfo.12 for ; Sun, 15 Jul 2018 16:00:06 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20150623; h=from:mime-version:subject:date:references:to:in-reply-to:message-id; bh=FZ6Z/cahywxdQljG6dHFJQ8OMQkYfxPaN2dhrOrnk1o=; b=D4j9nsaBFtwYIpKV4WbkpR4rOMzCebHKWJmM6xP1id3L25KaBy7A23wyKVQlaTPn9b HPLyY8uagKJchn1DPHHBtgDLU8s+0X1bVAjjReSodGHnFcyh7CiovRKP6UenEdeAf93m P0FrG0cYkrRaXjJrT/IKEc9Jf/00rsrryghvhsUeeNial/VPfcXYyYbM6XiLhxw70Qn/ VcSBoxiw2qQKRp2LvkzTEY7GflvA8wToPKJRmB/Bh7qjqtpAcuaeBGs0uwoXCykgiPwB lcaxQeULKz28hvblmc9qqbCPgIqxXXibxAIONzn/5U4PLNbvSZqWvYBYDKvsYg4Yw5vD aouA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20161025; h=x-gm-message-state:from:mime-version:subject:date:references:to :in-reply-to:message-id; bh=FZ6Z/cahywxdQljG6dHFJQ8OMQkYfxPaN2dhrOrnk1o=; b=iMwsNS/slL8P1+LwPfHH63CMBNKV7J4SKb3fpNC/B3nkFqMwyP8K/VkQba9WP/r2hA 6cksvH4WMF2l3NbKEEQDn/PObipMK/LxjDU/yN7yZnNgGXh5FJQVqJHLmgviTS7vvVBm OU0hh1ECL6vBap9iFRnvfJYQ0So8dO+/PktlEVxQW1V1JLMnrnqYzYIBg52HrD0rxHsn e2ucx7fWMDcszVPg29skCmdP/X94PvNjhhaBa0Y9GTS5WacvHheegAhuiuzyYLrIayHw iqhqCG9vdBVztrol2I4fzgUrN6CWwabsLfxcSrT3LVgEnr4EglgkMFgscCmlAYjEygjd YI2w== X-Gm-Message-State: AOUpUlGGTkjfa5/9ajrRBnJaHDhxW9DXQgZ5pvA95sS6f6niAR6+I40z whUNYif0eIQgkoeaSoR8vBGgnLZBXnk= X-Google-Smtp-Source: AAOMgpdFKGl+uB08JK5pUAIdql1arcPVNSAZCU4itZIvDykRxN1vFwjYe0sqFCVFbFNxCxSSxFpy/A== X-Received: by 2002:a65:4888:: with SMTP id n8-v6mr13745630pgs.149.1531695604737; Sun, 15 Jul 2018 16:00:04 -0700 (PDT) Return-Path: Received: from [] ([]) by with ESMTPSA id m15-v6sm89029210pfj.171.2018. for (version=TLS1_2 cipher=ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 bits=128/128); Sun, 15 Jul 2018 16:00:04 -0700 (PDT) Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="Apple-Mail=_3A8634CD-E7B8-4B27-9311-12BA15061372" Mime-Version: 1.0 (Mac OS X Mail 11.4 \(3445.8.2\)) Subject: Re: [AE] Lack of Quicktime + HAP codec support Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 09:00:00 +1000 References: To: After Effects Mail List In-Reply-To: Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.3445.8.2) --Apple-Mail=_3A8634CD-E7B8-4B27-9311-12BA15061372 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 While we bought AfterCodecs for this very situation, we also kept all of = the older version of After Effects / Premiere / MediaEncoder on all our = machines. You can still install older versions of AE / PR / ME through = the Adobe Creative Cloud app and that will keep you going for a bit. We = work in CC 2018 but render to image sequences, then we import and output = these using CC 2017. You can always back-save your projects for CC 2017 = too, if you=E2=80=99re not using any features from the latest release. I think my home machine has 5 or 6 versions of After Effects on it, = going back to CS 6. =20 -Chris > On 16 Jul 2018, at 2:47 am, Michael Powers = wrote: >=20 > I am working round the clock to get out a giant projection mapping = project in Grand Central Terminal. I go to encode my files for D3 = playback in AfterFX or even AME with the HAP codec and I remember it is = not there!@!#$%$ > =20 > This is a giant pain in ass. I have submitted my displeasure to the = Adobe forum and feature/bugs email the last time this bit me. > =20 > Dear Adobe product leaders how about a response =E2=80=93 or better = yet supporting customer workflows! > =20 > =20 > Mike Powers > Director of Animation \ Cramer > =20 > 781.278.2354 > > > 3DBOXX W8920Processor 32.0 GB RAM=20 > Dual Xeon CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz, 2601 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical = Processor(s) > Windows 10 Enterprise - 1709 (OS Build 16299.64) > NVIDIA GTX TITAN Black RAM 6.0 GB Driver Version 2.1.2 NVIDIA = 388.31 --Apple-Mail=_3A8634CD-E7B8-4B27-9311-12BA15061372 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 While= we bought AfterCodecs for this very situation, we also kept all of the = older version of After Effects / Premiere / MediaEncoder on all our = machines.  You can still install older versions of AE / PR / ME = through the Adobe Creative Cloud app and that will keep you going for a = bit.  We work in CC 2018 but render to image sequences, then we = import and output these using CC 2017.  You can always back-save = your projects for CC 2017 too, if you=E2=80=99re not using any features = from the latest release.
I think my home machine has 5 or = 6 versions of After Effects on it, going back to CS 6.  


On 16 Jul 2018, at 2:47 am, = Michael Powers <> wrote:

I am = working round the clock to get out a giant projection mapping project in = Grand Central Terminal. I go to encode my files for D3 playback in = AfterFX or even AME with the HAP codec and I remember it is not = there!@!#$%$
This is a giant pain in ass. I have submitted my displeasure = to the Adobe forum and feature/bugs email the last time this bit me.
Dear = Adobe product leaders how about a response =E2=80=93 or better yet = supporting customer workflows!

Mike = Powers
Director of Animation \ Cramer

3DBOXX = W8920Processor          = 32.0 GB RAM 
Dual Xeon CPU = E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz, 2601 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)
Windows 10 Enterprise - 1709 (OS = Build 16299.64)
NVIDIA GTX TITAN = Black RAM  6.0 GB     Driver = Version   2.1.2 NVIDIA = 388.31

= --Apple-Mail=_3A8634CD-E7B8-4B27-9311-12BA15061372--