That’s only on machines that had CC prior versions installed. On a new machine, new install, some versions are missing. Lots of noise about it in Adobe forums.
From: After Effects Mail List <>
Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2018 7:40 PM To: After Effects Mail List <> Subject: Re: [AE] Lack of QuickTime + HAP codec support
I just checked (on my home mac) and I still have the option to show older versions, and install older versions back to CS6. I’m running the latest version of the CC app.
In the CC app, where the apps are listed with either a white tablet that says “open” or a blue tablet that says “update” or “install", I click on the arrow on the right side and I get an “other versions” option. If I click on this, it
lists all versions back to CS6 with the option to install.
> You can still install older versions of AE / PR / ME through the Adobe Creative Cloud app and that will keep you going for a bit.
This is not true on new installs which I discovered to my horror – those older versions with Dolby and other licensing issues have been removed.
From:After Effects Mail List <> Sent:Sunday, July 15, 2018 7:00 PM To:After Effects Mail List <> Subject:Re: [AE] Lack of Quicktime + HAP codec support
While we bought AfterCodecs for this very situation, we also kept all of the older version of After Effects / Premiere / MediaEncoder on all our machines. You can still install older versions of AE / PR / ME through the Adobe Creative
Cloud app and that will keep you going for a bit. We work in CC 2018 but render to image sequences, then we import and output these using CC 2017. You can always back-save your projects for CC 2017 too, if you’re not using any features from the latest release.
I think my home machine has 5 or 6 versions of After Effects on it, going back to CS 6.
I am working round the clock to get out a giant projection mapping project in Grand Central Terminal. I go to encode my files for D3 playback in AfterFX or even AME with the HAP codec and I remember it is not there!@!#$%$
This is a giant pain in ass. I have submitted my displeasure to the Adobe forum and feature/bugs email the last time this bit me.
Dear Adobe product leaders how about a response – or better yet supporting customer workflows!