For the record, here's the new (as of this month!) homepage for the HAP codecs:
And here's the GitHub page:
And as I think has been noted, AfterCodecs offers at least some support for HAP:
Interesting info on all those pages/sites.
Since HAP is open source, perhaps the users here who really want a HAP implementation that fits their needs and don't that via hap.video, github, or AfterCodecs, could pool some money and pay a developer (perhaps one of the current contributors to HAP listed on GitHub, or one of the usual suspects who hang out here) to build something that does fit their needs. I have no idea how big a job that would be, but there you go.
> On Jul 18, 2018, at 7:53 AM, Warren Heaton <AE-List@media-motion.tv> wrote:
> Does anyone know if the publisher of HAP make an installer for their 64-bit component like they do for the 32-bit one?
> As AVFoundation isn’t cross-platform like QuickTime was (side note: it saddens me to be talking about QuickTime in the past tense), I would assume it would be Mac only going forward.