Good suggestion
Lou Wirth Productions 500Tamal Plaza, Suite 522 Corte Madera, CA 94925 www.louwirth.com415-924-9411p
If you don’t need layers, create a Render Setting template where the Time Span is set to one frame. Add the Comps, set the custom Render Settings template and use the Photoshop Output Module Template.
That should work.
add the Comps to the render queue. Sent from my iPhone Not layered Just psd with alpha. Static lower thirds
Lou Wirth Productions 500Tamal Plaza, Suite 522 Corte Madera, CA 94925 www.louwirth.com415-924-9411p
Do you need them as a layered PSD or just rendered as a PSD?
Phil Spitler Creative Technologist |
I made about 70 lower thirds in AE. Static as I just am more comfortable that building in photoshop. Is there a way to mass render all these comps as just a psd file without having to open each one and save frame as….
Thanks Lou
Lou Wirth Productions 500Tamal Plaza, Suite 522 Corte Madera, CA 94925 www.louwirth.com415-924-9411p