1080 or 1080TI are showing up reasonable, even some used now as cryptomining collapses. save your pennies another week or two and get the better card if your work is GPU dependent. consider it in the light of moving it into your next machine.
> On Sep 19, 2018, at 2:58 PM, henry birdseye <AE-List@media-motion.tv> wrote:
> The thread on the list about multiple GFX cards got me thinking...
> My nice, but old, Z800 (12 cores, 48gb ram) suffers from its original video card, a Quadro 4800. Yes, replacement is overdue. I am on a budget these days, but could pop for say, a GTX1060 w/ 6gb ram, but it's not on "the list."
> Can I use anything besides the CUDA cards listed here:
> https://helpx.adobe.com/au/after-effects/system-requirements.html
> Help me Obi-wan.
> HB
> +---End of message---+
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