Yes, if I was starting fresh I’d do it that way, I might go through the whole project and replace the cameras with ones that have linked properties, just to tidy it up a bit.
The easiest way I can think of tidying things up would be to create an animation preset that linked to a master camera comp and then manually going through all the nested comps in the project. If you had a naming convention it might be easier to find them.
The second idea would be to spend some time scripting. There are already some scripts there that look at all the nested comps in a master comp and resize or replace things. If you do a lot of this kind of thing writing a script or contracting with someone like Dan Ebberts to write one for you might be a good thing. That kind of script might even have commercial potential. I’d probably even buy it.
Rick Gerard DP/VFX Supervisor MovI Pro / ALTA / Licensed Commercial Pilot Fixed Wing and UAV Northern CA