Mailing List — Message #64406
From: David Torno <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Organising cameras
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 09:23:35 -0700
To: After Effects Mail List <>
Hi Chris,

What exactly are you trying to accomplish? This sounds like a script automation thing so far. You want to replicate a camera build in all comps?

David Torno
-------------------- (work history) (work samples & breakdowns)

"The most useless day is that in which we do not laugh"
-Charles Field

On Sep 23, 2018, at 10:42 PM, Chris Zwar <> wrote:

Yes, if I was starting fresh Iā€™d do it that way, I might go through the whole project and replace the cameras with ones that have linked properties, just to tidy it up a bit.

Iā€™m really just thinking out lout, but basically if I have 10 comps with the same camera in them, and I want to duplicate them all but then swap the camera, then Iā€™m still manually copying & pasting 10 times.  I keep wanting to do something like an alt-drag / replace footage but with a camera.  Iā€™m only thinking about it now because many of my comps have nulls and location markers parented to the camera, so even pasting a new camera into the composition means Iā€™m having to manually re-parent.

On 24 Sep 2018, at 1:34 pm, Phil Spitler <> wrote:

Seems like the you could just copy the camera with linked properties into each comp.

Seems really clean and efficient workflow to me.


Phil Spitler  Creative Technologist
t  415.394.8200  c  415.571.3139

On Sep 23, 2018, at 6:38 PM, Chris Zwar <> wrote:

Hi all,

Just wanting to pick the collective brains on how everyone is keeping track of multiple cameras in large projects.  I like to think my projects are well organised but this is one thing that I havenā€™t cracked yet.

Currently Iā€™m working on a sequence that has over 20 shots in it, compositing multipass-renders from 3D.  I get a camera for each shot, which Iā€™m then using to roll out multiple FX that are being generated in After Effects for the composites.  I would guess that each camera is used in 10 - 15 additional precomps for each shot.

The problem is that as the animation progresses, the cameras are often changed and updated.  Swapping out 3D renders is simple, but so far Iā€™m importing each new camera and manually pasting it into each composition.  This means I can miss comps because the process is manual.  And as the new cameras have new names, this can also break expressions and parenting.

In previous projects Iā€™ve had a ā€œmasterā€ camera that Iā€™ve then linked to with expressions to create a version that I can roll out in precomps, and always use that one instead.  If I planned ahead a bit better I would have done that here, but itā€™s not something Iā€™ve done with 20+ shots, each with individual cameras.

Does anyone have a better & cleaner method than making a master camera comp that is always linked to via expressions?

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