From: "Jarle Leirpoll" Received: from ([] verified) by (CommuniGate Pro SMTP 6.1.0) with ESMTP id 7170976 for; Tue, 09 Oct 2018 21:36:30 +0200 X-Auth: Received: from HPZBook17 ([]) (authenticated bits=0) by (8.15.2/8.15.2) with ESMTPSA id w99Jm3eD023107 (version=TLSv1.2 cipher=DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 bits=256 verify=NOT); Tue, 9 Oct 2018 21:48:03 +0200 To: "'After Effects Mail List'" Subject: Animated (or animatable) 3D heart model Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2018 21:48:02 +0200 Message-ID: <001001d46008$fd8ae490$f8a0adb0$> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 16.0 Thread-Index: AdRgCF079+EanPTgTuKdSPLvUfQipw== Content-Language: no X-Scanned-By: MIMEDefang 2.78 Hello hive mind, My daughter-in-law is preparing her Master's degree presentation on nano-manufactured, super thin, Piezo-electrical elements that are glued directly onto the heart or other organs. She wants a video of a beating heart where the element generates electricity from the movement of the heart, and charges a nano-battery that drives some sensors. Yeah, pretty cool stuff! I will create the video for her, and the actual animation part should be pretty straight-forward once I have a 3D model or a video of a beating heart. Something along these lines: Does anyone know of an open source or free 3D model that could be used in such a project. Her budget is, of course, zero. /jarle