Mailing List — Message #64458
From: Greg Balint <>
Subject: Re: [AE] AfterFX CC v 16.0?
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2018 12:45:35 -0400
To: Ross Shain <>
Thanks Ross.  I also noticed it handled 6k ProRes 4444 footage properly.. which 2 days ago, in MochaAE from last version, I couldn't get it to show the footage properly, which seemed to be a known problem for some 6k footage.

///Greg Balint
//Art Director / Motion Graphics Designer

On 10/16/2018 12:38:34 PM, Ross Shain <> wrote:

Greg... thanks for posting this. Yes - I wanted to mention here that Mocha AE has gotten a long overdue update in the new AE release. Here is a video tutorial by Florian Füger:

MOCHA AE - new features: 
Mocha AE is now a plug-in and will open ANY video file format that AE supports. 
Planar Tracking is now GPU accelerated.
New Interface supports High DPI/Retina monitors.
New Mocha Essentials Workspace (easier to learn for simple track & roto) 
New geometric spline shapes. 
New Plug-in side with improved track and mask data formats (note: the create track  and create mask data buttons now replaces copy/paste workflow). 

Now that Mocha is a plug-in the workflow is very improved and the Mocha project is simply saved inside your AE project. When you launch the Mocha AE interface, the window is "modal", so you can not do anything in the AE timeline. While this might be seen as a drawback, this is a limitation to being an integrated plug-in - most testers are loving the new improvements and would not want to go back. Another huge benefit of this workflow is that you can use 1/2 resolutions on large 4k (or higher) projects and open the lower res into Mocha for very fast tracking without having to render out proxies. 

After many years of being bundled inside of AE (since CS4!) we really tried to make this new version much easier to learn. For power users, Mocha classic workspace is still there and you can switch back and forth with the default shortcuts ALT1/ALT2.

If anyone would like to give feedback or feature suggestions, you are welcome to join us in the Mocha AE or Mocha Pro forums at 

Thanks for your support!

On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 12:20, Greg Balint <> wrote:
Just dipping my toes in it now.. 

The new Mocha AE effect plugin is nice so far.. Although a bit different to work with than previously. Be careful not to bring forward your AE windows when you have Mocha windows open.. they're hard to get from the background it seems.. and AE will be completely unresponsive, thinking you're working in Mocha, even if AE is the one in the foreground.

Basically you launch mocha, do your track and just hit save... then in AE.. you twirl down the "matte" or "Tracking Data" in the effects controls.. for tracking data.. you click "Create Track Data" and it'll open a little window to choose which layer from Mocha to export tracking data from.. the issue here is.. you can click the name.. and it looks highlighted and selected.. and you hit ok.. and it just seems like it doesn't work.  nothing happens at all.. 

What you have to do is choose the tiny box to the left of the layer name there.. and a little gear will pop in there, showing it's selected.. and then everything else will work properly.. 

Should probably have that as a standard check box, or just allow the selection of the name to also "select" the layer to get tracking data from.. 

anyway.. took me a good 20 minutes to figure out that was what was going on.. hope this helps someone else out later on.

///Greg Balint
//Art Director / Motion Graphics Designer

On 10/16/2018 11:21:01 AM, Zack Lovatt <> wrote:

We live in a world where you can install multiple versions of AE simultaneously. Check it out, keep your current version installed, and see whether it works for you! 

On Tue, Oct 16, 2018, 08:00 Michael Powers <> wrote:

Has anyone taken the leap? Is it stable / any gotchas?





Mike Powers
Director of Animation \ Cramer

3DBOXX W8920Processor          32.0 GB RAM 

Dual Xeon CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz, 2601 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s)

Windows 10 Enterprise - 1709 (OS Build 16299.64)

NVIDIA GTX TITAN Black RAM  6.0 GB     Driver Version   2.1.2 NVIDIA 388.31






Ross Shain
Chief Product Officer: Mocha
+1.646.298.6458 |

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