I can second Jim’s comments on Render Garden. This doesn’t help for RAM-Previews, but if you’re tired of waiting for Adobe to goose multi-threaded rendering, I heartily suggest you look into RenderGarden. I wish I hadn’t waited so long to buy it. On my system it speeds up my renders by 3X to 4X compared to the Ae renderer, and maxes out my cores as it should be. It goes on sale on Toolfarm every now and then.
> On Oct 17, 2018, at 10:23 AM, Greg Balint <AE-List@media-motion.tv> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I know this seems to come up at least once a year, and normally whenever there are larger updates, but I wanted to see if maybe we could get any progress reports or statements.
> So I went over to the Adobe Uservoice website and voted on some feature requests and ideas a while back. One post that consistently gets comments and votes and is currently the top feature request on there is for full program multiple-thread support. A lot of people want to see the app use all of their hardware as it used to do back in 2014 days.
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