+1 for Render Garden. It's been fantastic for me. Sure, doesn't help with RAM previews but it makes such a big difference at render time for most things that I do. Especially with multiple render machines to throw to. Well worth the money.
I found RenderGarden to provide minimal to no benefit on big projects vs 2014. It really only seem to help on short and simple stuff. The kind of projects that scream for MP are the 8 to 12 GB per core, all cores slamming at 100%. I’ve
not seen RenderGarden get anywhere close to that.
From: After Effects Mail List <AE-List@media-motion.tv>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 11:28 PM
To: After Effects Mail List <AE-List@media-motion.tv>
Subject: Re: [AE] Uservoice feedback website - Top post - Full Program. Mutli-Threaded Support
For $100 I can say this is a great workaround!
Yeah. This statement worried me back when CC first happened and it seems like it may have come true for this topic. There was a lot of voices saying "why would they do a ton more features and improvements if they're already getting our
money monthly."
On the RenderGarden front, has anyone tried using that alongside AfterCodecs? Has anyone tried or have recommendation for RenderBoss? (another multi-thread multi-computer renderer piece of software)
Plus, what incentive do they have to give users what they actually want, as opposed to what looks impressive in a bullet point features list. I mean, they already have our money regardless of what they do
Be interesting to see if you get a response. The awesome Todd was the last Adobe person ever to officially comment on this. It’s shocking really that it will soon be 5 years without
this. GPU accelerated curves effect is not exactly the same thing as full-out multi-processing.
My own speculation is the last time they did a full code rewrite and announced it was the 32-bit to 64-bit. So there was long period of no new features. That was pre-CC. In the market, I would be pleasantly shocked to see them actually do that because announcing
full multi-threading support in 2018/19/20 would be embarrassing not exciting as it was in when it first arrived.
My guess is the engineers would love to do it but Adobe business is “no way in hell” as AE needs new features each release cycle. Adobe’s business model is great for sales, terrible
for new architecture. Other software companies are creating the same problem. You see less and less substantial changes and overhauls in development due to subscriptions, annual releases etc.
From: After Effects Mail List <AE-List@media-motion.tv>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 11:23 AM
To: After Effects Mail List <AE-List@media-motion.tv>
Subject: [AE] Uservoice feedback website - Top post - Full Program. Mutli-Threaded Support
Hey guys,
I know this seems to come up at least once a year, and normally whenever there are larger updates, but I wanted to see if maybe we could get any progress reports or statements.
So I went over to the Adobe Uservoice website and voted on some feature requests and ideas a while back. One post that consistently gets comments and votes and is currently the
top feature request on there is for full program multiple-thread support. A lot of people want to see the app use all of their hardware as it used to do back in 2014 days.
Even though I understand that same style of multiprocessing would probably not be as feasible as previously because of the new code architecture used, etc, I feel like this has
been such a hot button issue for users and Adobe has remained relatively silent on it.
I wish we could get some form of official response from Adobe After Effects team on this. If it can't be done anymore or isn't being looked into anymore, it would be nice if we
could at least be informed of this so people can stop pleading for it. They should definitely close the topic over there on the uservoice forums with official response if it's not going to progress in that direction. Don't give people hope if it isn't in
the cards.
I don't mean to be someone to single anyone out on here, and I'm not trying to start any heated discussions or arguments, but is there any chance someone from the AE team could
chime in on this in a more official capacity? Victoria, could you comment on this?
Hi everyone,
I am looking for some beta testers for the upcoming V6 of MochaImport+.
It adds full compatibility with the mocha plugin version of CC2019 and also adds some exciting new features.
Dr. Mathias Möhl
Marlow 52 , 18551 Sagard, Germany
Phone +49 (0)38302 - 88 75 61