Mailing List ? Message #64488
From: henry birdseye <>
Subject: Adobe and Windows 10 and a new video card
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 09:05:43 -0400
To: After Effects Mail List <>
I've been getting messages on the Adobe updater that some items are "incompatible versions." So, this means I have to upgrade to Win 10.

My question #1: Do I have to start on a fresh system drive, or will it play nicely and leave all the apps and data alone? Do you suggest Win 10 Pro?

Q 2: My peppy HP Z800 with 12 cores and 48gb ram suffers from an old video card, a Quadro 4800, so it needs to turn into something else. From what I've read, the highest priority is to make sure my power supply could handle a GTX 1060 or something like that. True? What should I look out for when upgrading the video card?

Thanks in advance.


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