Mailing List — Message #64490
From: Jim Curtis <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Uservoice feedback website - Top post - Full Program. Mutli-Threaded Support
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 09:58:29 -0500
To: After Effects List <>
IINM, Ae 2014 was the last build where Ae maximized all my cores during rendering.  So, this is to be expected, because the later Ae versions abandoned max core usage for other “features.â€

RenderGarden slams all 24 of my cores when I ask it to in the setup option.

On Oct 17, 2018, at 10:30 PM, Stephen van Vuuren <> wrote:

I found RenderGarden to provide minimal to no benefit on big projects vs 2014. It really only seem to help on short and simple stuff. The kind of projects that scream for MP are the 8 to 12 GB per core, all cores slamming at 100%. I’ve not seen RenderGarden get anywhere close to that.
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