Just to pull us back to topic...
On 17/10/2018 16:23,
Greg Balint wrote:
...I wish we could get some form
of official response from Adobe After Effects team on this.
Adobe's lack of response to this, or other
matters that don't suit them, is a clear indication of their lip
service approach to customer care. Adobe user voice : a great
idea if you take notice of the feedback - and totally
frustrating for the user when you ignore the very opinions you
have asked for. The top 'multithreading / multicore request Greg
references has the best part of twice as many votes as any
other. The response from Adobe: ZERO. Yet, they are quite
capable of responding when it suits them.
This is not a complaint against Victoria at all.
We all know these policies are set way up the hierarchy.
I just hope (and it's a very slim hope, I know)
that these sorts of threads might remind the powers to be that
it's their customers that ultimately make their business - and
that this approach, sooner or later, is going to bite them in
the ass.
Mike A.