Mailing List — Message #64492
From: Victoria Nece <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Uservoice feedback website - Top post - Full Program. Mutli-Threaded Support
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 13:28:21 -0400
To: After Effects Mail List <>
Hey folks,

You're right, that thread deserves a thoughtful response. 

But there's also a LOT of misunderstanding in this thread about how things work at Adobe. And that's no one's fault -- you can only guess at what you can't see, and we can't speak openly about roadmap plans and goals because it's a publicly-traded company (e.g. if we promise something is coming and then it never arrives or shows up in a different shape, that can get us in legal trouble).

Can discuss more when I'm not travelling... 


On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 1:17 PM Mike Abbott <> wrote:

Just to pull us back to topic...

On 17/10/2018 16:23, Greg Balint wrote:
...I wish we could get some form of official response from Adobe After Effects team on this.

Adobe's lack of response to this, or other matters that don't suit them, is a clear indication of their lip service approach to customer care. Adobe user voice : a great idea if you take notice of the feedback - and totally frustrating for the user when you ignore the very opinions you have asked for. The top 'multithreading / multicore request Greg references has the best part of twice as many votes as any other. The response from Adobe: ZERO. Yet, they are quite capable of responding when it suits them.

This is not a complaint against Victoria at all. We all know these policies are set way up the hierarchy.

I just hope (and it's a very slim hope, I know) that these sorts of threads might remind the powers to be that it's their customers that ultimately make their business - and that this approach, sooner or later, is going to bite them in the ass.

Mike A.

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