Mailing List — Message #64493
From: Teddy Gage <>
Subject: Re: [AE] Uservoice feedback website - Top post - Full Program. Mutli-Threaded Support
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2018 13:30:44 -0400
To: After Effects Mail List <>
     Guys instead of ganging up on the unrepresented AE team and throwing back and forth a lot of speculation and conspiracy theories and LARGE TEXT EMAILS, it is worth it to get some facts first. I have spoken to both Tim and Victoria about this. This is paraphrasing from a discussion I had a few months ago so I'm sure Tim could clarify. But I see a lot of comments like "just make it multi-threaded" - anybody who knows anything about programming will understand that is a monumental task, likely equal to the core rebuild that happened in CC2015 - ie an entire dev cycle (but really more than one, to make it stable). The original MP features were a hacky workaround that was done the "wrong" way and added to many core issues with the program. There are expectations that such a fix for the entire application is some trivial thing. 

However, it would break every current plugin. 

Let that sink in for a moment. Every single plugin (and possibly script) would likely need to be rebuilt from the ground up for a hypothetical new multi-threaded AE. Not sure that would be worth it to me, given we'd likely lose many plugins from developers who'd stop supportting their software, and other ones that have stopped development. 

On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 1:17 PM Mike Abbott <> wrote:

Just to pull us back to topic...

On 17/10/2018 16:23, Greg Balint wrote:
...I wish we could get some form of official response from Adobe After Effects team on this.

Adobe's lack of response to this, or other matters that don't suit them, is a clear indication of their lip service approach to customer care. Adobe user voice : a great idea if you take notice of the feedback - and totally frustrating for the user when you ignore the very opinions you have asked for. The top 'multithreading / multicore request Greg references has the best part of twice as many votes as any other. The response from Adobe: ZERO. Yet, they are quite capable of responding when it suits them.

This is not a complaint against Victoria at all. We all know these policies are set way up the hierarchy.

I just hope (and it's a very slim hope, I know) that these sorts of threads might remind the powers to be that it's their customers that ultimately make their business - and that this approach, sooner or later, is going to bite them in the ass.

Mike A.

Teddy Gage
Shotgun Inc.
BKLYN NY 11215

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